{{ REFER TO NOTES AT: http://support.aarcadethemes.com/extras-wholesale-order-form/ }}
{% assign big_cartel_domain = 'hatchforkids' %}
{% capture form_intro %}{{ store.name }} - Wholesale Order Form
Minimum order: 3 pieces per style, $250 per order. Orders of $1000+ save an additional 10%.
Directions: Enter quantities for each style, click 'Add To Cart' and follow directions on next page. We will invoice your entire order, and let you know the soonest availability on back-ordered items.
{% endcapture %}{% capture add_to_cart_notes %}
{% endcapture %}
{% capture form_outro %}Shipping charges will be invoiced separately. Net 30 terms apply.
{% endcapture %}{% assign pop_up_image_viewer_colour = '1' %}
{% assign enable_inventory_management = 'yes' %}
{% assign wholesale_discount_percentage = '' %}
{% assign minimum_order_value = '250' %}
{% assign hide_sold_out_products = 'no' %}
{% assign hide_coming_soon_products = 'no' %}
{% assign include_or_exclude_category_list = 'include' %}
{% capture category_list %}
xc Wholesale Products
{% endcapture %}
{% assign show_per_product_categories = 'yes' %}
{% assign order_by_category = 'no' %}
{% assign password_phrase = 'IMWITHTHEBAND' %}
{% capture sign_in_intro %}Wholesale Orders
For access to our wholesale section, please enter your account password below. If you do not have a password, and would like info on our wholesale program, please feel free to email us at [email protected] or [[requestlink: submit a wholesale account request.]]
{% endcapture %}
{% assign request_link_subject = 'Wholesale Order Request' %}
{% assign request_link_message_intro = 'Please enter the details of your business below:' %}
{{ LOVE }}
{% assign display_made_with_aarcade_link = 'no' %}
{{ #### END CUSTOM OPTIONS #### }}
{{ ## START ADMIN - DO NOT EDIT ## }}{% capture rlnk %}{% endcapture %}{{ ## END ADMIN ## }}
{% if page.full_path contains '?ids=' %} {% capture ids %}{{ page.full_path | remove: page.url | remove: '?ids=' | replace: '-', ' ' }}{% endcapture %} {{ ids }} {% else %}var aarcadewhS = '{{ store.url }}';
var aarcadewhP = '{{ page.full_url }}';
var aarcadewhjs = '{{ "api" | theme_js_url }}';
var aarcadewhU = '{{ big_cartel_domain | remove: ' ' }}';
var aarcadewhHs = '{{ hide_sold_out_products | remove: ' ' }}';
var aarcadewhHc = '{{ hide_coming_soon_products | remove: ' ' }}';
var aarcadewhDc = '{{ wholesale_discount_percentage | remove: ' ' | remove: '%' }}';
var aarcadewhPc = '{{ show_per_product_categories | remove: ' ' }}';
var aarcadewhOc = '{{ order_by_category | remove: ' ' }}';
var aarcadewhMo = '{{ minimum_order_value | remove: ' ' | remove: store.currency.sign | remove: ',' }}';
{% endif %}